
Introducing the MVP community feature to Smule platforms


About Smule

Smule is a music-based social network with 50 million monthly active users. People make friends through collab with each other. The belief is music is more than just listening — music also includes creating, sharing, discovering, participating and connecting. Music is the original social network, with the power to break down barriers, touch souls, and bring people from all over the world together.



Design Lead


Interview, Survey, Competitor Analysis, IA, UX Flow, Wireframe, Prototype


3 months


I worked with the Growth team in 2018. The team was responsible for social engagement. While we know users organize communities outside of the platform, we wanted to bring engagement back to Smule so we decided to initiate the MVP called Groups. Our hypothesis was that if users join a community on Smule, it will not only increase social engagement but long term retention.

The challenge was to find the right direction and seamlessly introduce the MVP in 3 months while creating a solid foundation for the community that’s generic enough for different user segments.

The feature launched on November 2018. Currently available on iOS and Android and web.

Before Design

Current Experience

At the outset of the project we didn’t have a clear picture about the existing community experience. What we know is that they create an additional shared VIP account as a workaround. You can see how creative our users are. :)

Old experience


Without pre-existing insights, I did user research to drive the planning phase by starting interviewing power users who are in the community. The goals were to understand their journey of becoming a group member from new users perspective, pain points, and the core value of the community.

User Quotes

User Journey

User Journey

Key Findings

Mutual background and similar music tastes allow people to constantly find relevant content to collaborate and become friends to support each other.

New Users

  • They don't know the communities exist
  • Poor organized information surfaced by the community is confusing
  • Joining process is inefficient

  • Power Users

  • Communities are buried, yet they want to get promoted and showcase their talents
  • Switching account is the biggest pain point due to lack of the logout button
  • The privacy level of each community varies
  • Define Problem

    Rigid social structure limits how users’ content
    to be exposed and appreciated


    A page that offers users freedom to build their communities to socialize around any topics or interests on Smule. It solves for lack of relevant fresh content to engage through human curated approach, opens up a new paradigm for people to showcase the talent and have a better chance to be discovered, and get support from similar minded people.


    The main focused areas

  • Allow all users to easily discover, join, and access groups
  • Provide an easy and intuitive tool for owners to build and manage the groups

  • Final Design

    Create Groups

    Owners can go to Explore page to create a group. The Creation entry point is intentionally buried to balance the qulity of the community.

    Create Groups

    Group Page

    It accommodates all users, members, and owners' use cases with three types of access. It's designed to help people quickly understand what the community is about and make informed decisions to become a member or not.

    Group Page

    Manage Groups

    The admin tool allows owners to manage the group bio, access levels, members, and content.

    Manage Groups

    Discover Groups

    Multiple entry points are provided to solve the discoverbility issue. Users can learn about the community by themselves through Explore and Profile. They can also learn from others via an invite or chat message.

    Discover Groups

    Join Groups

    To participate, users can either request on the Group page or get invited by the owner.

    Join Groups

    Access Groups

    Profile is the dedicated place for users to easily access groups that are relevant to them.

    Access Groups
    Access Groups Prototype


    Through the human curated approach, members can select recordings to post and engage with similar minded singers.


    Responsive Web

    Responsive web is served as a supplement for the consumption experience.


    Design Process

    The process were mainly around narrowing down the scope, identifying the high risk areas, and coordinating with other two PMs to negotiate and prioritize the most feasible solution.

    Information Architecture


    UX Flow

    Based on the high-level scope, the flow covered 3 user roles with 3 types of access. It included the following important aspects:

  • The transition of user roles: a general user becomes a group member or owner.
  • The interaction between user roles: joining process from request sender vs. receiver perspective.
  • Detailed scope: Where notifications should be triggered and CTAs are displayed on the page level.

  • UX flow

    The Result

    Within 3 months, we saw a diversity of communities thrive. Early data results show people who are in the community have more than +19% increase in follows. In early this year, the MVP was released on Android. With feature parity across mobile platforms, the next step is to improve discoverability and keep the community engaged.

    iOS Screenshots from the store version.